In isekai anime series, the main character is usually an ordinary person brought to the isekai world...
(Dan Tri) - China invades the East Sea, claiming sovereignty over the waters of Malaysia and Indonesia.
(Dan Tri) - A gunman suspected to be a US veteran of the Iraq War opened fire...
(Dan Tri) - Speaking before the United Nations General Assembly on September 23, North Korean Foreign Minister...
(Dan Tri) - After Chinese President Xi Jinping, leader Kim Jong-un can arrange high-level meetings with other...
(Dan Tri) - The S-300 missile defense system deployed by Russia to Syria may make it difficult...
(Dan Tri) - US Ambassador to Korea Harry Harris strongly criticized China in a speech at the...
(Dan Tri) - Vladimir Putin's path to becoming Russian president in the late 1990s seemed to have...
(Dan Tri) - President Donald Trump signed an executive order banning all US transactions with ByteDance and...
(Dan Tri) - The first Canadian police officer testified at a court hearing related to the case...