The Little Mermaid – The Little Mermaid 2023 at first glance closely follows Disney’s 1989 hit animation, but in fact, many details from small to large have been changed, added or removed to supplement the film’s content.
Eric is adopted
The 2023 version of The Little Mermaid gave Eric a deeper background and story, but made him an adopted son of the royal family.
Ariel was not personally helped by Eric
Once she got her legs, Ariel rose to the surface and accidentally got caught in a fisherman’s net.
Three new songs
The 2023 version of The Little Mermaid has 3 completely new songs in addition to the classic songs.
The lyrics have been changed
The lyrics of the song Kiss The Girl in the scene where Ariel and Eric row a boat have had their lyrics changed.
Ariel is not naive in front of Eric
Ariel in the 1989 animated version also had the embarrassing act of using a fork to comb her hair, but in front of Eric.
Eric shares similar interests with Ariel
Eric loves ocean adventures, and in The Little Mermaid 2023 he also has a hobby of collecting ocean objects.
Triton and Ursula are relatives
This detail was added to the 2023 film instead of making Ursula just a sea witch imprisoned by Triton, to further exploit the hatred between the two.
Ariel did not sign the compromise
Instead of using a pen to sign the contract, Ariel used blood to confirm her agreement with Ursula.
There are no `poor unfortunate souls`
In Ursula’s lair, there are no plankton, which are cursed mermaids because of their failed deal with her.
Two weddings
Prince Eric’s two weddings were both cut from The Little Mermaid 2023. The first was the `missed` wedding with Vanessa on the boat, then it was destroyed by Scuttle and the animals.
After that, Eric and Ariel’s wedding scene on the boat was also removed, replaced by the detail of the two sailing together to explore the new world.
Chef Louis lost his role
The unluckiest character whose role was cut in The Little Mermaid 2023 is the `zinc beard` chef Louis.
Ariel personally kills Ursula
The final battle scene with the giant Ursula remains almost the same, except for one detail.
Create many different characters
These are the first changes, also the most controversial changes since The Little Mermaid had its first trailers.
In addition, Ariel’s mermaid sisters also changed their scale colors, names, and became more ethnically diverse.
Photo: Disney