In recent years, the Mid Lane position of League of Legends has become much more diverse in terms of the types of champions that appear.
However, when the 2022 Pre-Season arrived, especially after update 11.24, Kassadin became extremely strong.
First we need to mention the change in the meta game when a series of Mages gradually found their footing in the Mid Lane.
Besides the laning factor, the return of the Mages also causes the game speed to be somewhat reduced in the 2022 Pre-Season. The reason is because the Mages need to farm a lot to reach the threshold.
Next, we must once again mention the birth of the Preemptive Strike gem when it helps Kassadin become strong extremely quickly.
Not only gold, the increased damage from the Preemptive Strike gem also gives Kassadin the right to choose defensive items that still ensure output damage.
In short, with the advent of the Preemptive Strike gem, the ability to increase strength and deal damage that Kassadin possesses has become much better.