The ancient Chinese loved to use paper armor instead of iron or steel.
Any country that has ever participated in war is sure that making armor is very important.
According to Ancient Origins, the inventor of paper making was the eunuch Thai Luan.
Paper armor is mentioned many times in old Chinese history books.
Surprisingly, paper and silk armors are also mentioned in many ancient records.
Paper armor began to be used on a large scale during the Tang and Song dynasties.
The paper armor of the Ming Dynasty army was made of extremely flexible paper, three inches thick, each square piece had four nails, making it difficult for arrows or bullets to penetrate.
The inventor of paper armor was Tu Thuong, a warlord of the Tang Dynasty.
In the records of soldiers in Anhui province, a place famous for paper production, paper armor was made from triangular scales.
The Discovery Channel MythBusters conducted many experiments to test the protective ability of paper armor.
From that information, Discovery’s MythBusters channel conducted many experiments to test the protective ability of paper armor.
Source: Ancient Origins.