It’s no exaggeration to say that in the upcoming version 12.5, Gang Gang is a squad with fully upgraded power from defense, attack to versatility.
Not stopping there, important chess pieces of this clan such as Ashe, Ahri, Morgana or Braum all received extremely notable power increases.
Basically, Thanh Lich is not necessarily a weak race in theory in the Truth Arena, but when it comes to real combat, it faces many problems when operating.
The above problem also causes the Thanh Lich squad to encounter many difficulties in trying to survive and maintain health before owning the desired VIP champion.
Even though there are new powerful generals like Corki or Gnar, the Yordles squad still has an inherent weakness that is very weak before the main force reaches 3 stars.
Therefore, in the upcoming patch 12.5, Riot will buff two key units of the current Yordles squad: Corki and Lulu.