The manga (Japanese comic) adapted from the webcomic by author ONE – One Punch Man, led by artist Yusuke Murata, has recently attracted greater attention thanks to a special element.
That is, fans of the series noticed that the designs of the sisters Tatsumaki and Fubuki were `getting more and more curvy`.
As we all know, Yusuke Murata is considered “the master of the manga industry”, and Japanese fans are always proud of his work.
In the most recent chapter of the One Punch Man manga published on January 12, there is a `pleasant surprise` that makes viewers unable to take their eyes off.
As the story progresses, Fubuki and Saitama visit Psychos – who is being held underground, when suddenly Tatsumaki attacks this place.
But with Tatsumaki’s obstruction, this mysterious man revealed his plot and tried to eliminate both Fubuki and Tatsumaki.
As the battle between Tsukuyomi and Tatsumaki’s side began to become intense, exciting moments occurred.
You know, the talent of conveying images is Murata’s strength, but this time it seems he showed it a bit fiercely.
This lack of restraint on the part of the artist could not escape the readers’ eyes. Fans noticed the changes in Tatsumaki’s body.
Of course, neither Fubuki nor Tatsumaki were portrayed in such a sensual way in the original ONE.
Additionally, not only were the two girls’ appearances changed, the stories related to both of them were also edited in the manga.