Detective Conan Movie 26: Kurogane no Submarine released its latest trailer on Tuesday, December 27, 2022. Let’s look at the interesting details in this trailer!
1. Opening with the appearance of Gin
In Detective Conan, Gin is the villain, the mastermind behind the transformation of teenager Shinichi Kudo into boy Conan Edogawa.
2. Movie setting
The 26th movie of the Detective Conan franchise this time is set in the launch of a facility connecting all security cameras from many parts of the world, which is Pacific Buoy.
Pacific Buoy is located in the waters of Hachijo Island.
3. The Black Organization is the main villain group in this movie
The appearance of the character Gin in the opening trailer of Detective Conan Movie 26: Kurogane no Submarine is not without reason.
4. The Black Organization kidnapped a Pacific Buoy technician
While at Pacific Buoy, Conan is informed by his partner that the Black Organization has assassinated a Europol officer in Germany.
At the same time, the Black Organization is carrying out its actions, which is to kidnap a female technician managing Pacific Buoy.
5. The mystery behind the USB
The main reason for the Black Organization’s kidnappings is important information hidden in USB drives.
6. Ai Haibara’s identity has been revealed?
Detective Conan Movie 26 will also mention the girl Ai Haibara.
Before drinking the same poison pill as Conan, causing her body to shrink in size and having to assume her current identity, Ai Haibara’s real name was Shiho Miyano, a researcher for the Black Organization with the code name Sherry.
7. A new villain named Pinga appears
The seven people of the Black Organization, including the boss, are enough to cause difficulties for Conan and everyone, but in the new movie, one more person is introduced.
8. Ai Haibara said goodbye to Conan
In the narration heard through the trailer, there is a moment where Ai Haibara says, `Goodbye, Edogawa Conan-kun` along with a scene where Conan appears to be trying to save Ai.
9. Thumbnail (Thumbnail) impressive about `the duel between Conan and Gin`
The trailer for Detective Conan Movie 26: Kurogane no Submarine revealed a very impressive miniature image.
Detective Conan Movie 26: Kurogane no Submarine is scheduled to be released on April 14, 2023, as a sequel to Detective Conan: Haibara Ai Monogatari-Kurogane no Mystery Train which will be released on January 6, 2023.